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Isotopes of Thulium
Notable Isotopes show graph
167Tm [98 neutrons]
Abundance: synthetic
Half life: 9.25 days [ Electron Capture ]
Decay Energy: 0.748 MeV
Decays to 167Er.
168Tm [99 neutrons]
Abundance: synthetic
Half life: 93.1 days [ Electron Capture ]
Decay Energy: 1.679 MeV
Decays to 168Er.
169Tm [100 neutrons]
Abundance: 100%
Stable with 100 neutrons
Tm-169, bombarded in a nuclear reactor serves as a radiation source in portable X-ray devices.
Tm-169 has potential use in ceramic magnetic materials called ferrites, which are used in microwave equipment.
170Tm [101 neutrons]
Abundance: synthetic
Half life: 128.6 days [ beta- ]
Decay Energy: 0.968 MeV
Decays to 170Yb.
171Tm [102 neutrons]
Abundance: synthetic
Half life: 1.92 years [ beta- ]
Decay Energy: 0.96 MeV
Decays to 171Yb.